The Year of Living Biblically

Jacobs, AJ. The Year of Living Biblically. New York: Simon and Shuster, 2007. Print.

The Year of Living Biblically: One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible is a nonfiction piece of literature written by well known author A.J. Jacobs. Jacobs takes on the challenge of, as you can see from the title, following the Bible as literally as possible for a year. Throughout the book, you can really see how Jacobs’ life changes. He started out agnostic but did he end up being agnostic? Read and find out. The way Jacobs wrote this book helps the reader to really get a grasp of how long this challenge is. He writes a journal entry maybe every other or every two days so there isn’t much information to be left out. This book is written in 12 main sections. All 12 sections represent a month out of the year. At the end, Jacobs includes notes that he took to make this book as fantastic as he could. Jacobs draws the reader in by using humor and detail. The fact that a challenge as difficult as this not very common also contributes to drawing in an audience.

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