The Glass Castle

Walls, Jeannette. The glass castle: a memoir. New York: Scribner, 2005. Print.

What draws in a reader can be many things. One of the most common things that draws in a reader is ideas that are so out there that you wouldn’t think they would happen. This occurs in Jeannette Walls’ memoir The Glass Castle. Throughout the book, Jeannette tells about her family and how she became the person she is today. Some of the things are so out there that your jaw drops while reading it. As one reads this book, it is plainly seen that everything that occurred in Walls’ life changed her and she became a stronger more dependent woman because of this. Some of the things might seem terrible for a child to experience but in the end, it helped. Walls uses the crazy experiences in her life to draw in the audience and in turn became successful by doing that.

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